Useful information
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Useful information

Where we are

5 minutes walk from the public beach of Albion, next to Club Med; on the hill behind to be able to benefit from the breeze of the sea. Far from the noise of the center of the village and the traffic, in the tranquility of a residential area.

The best period tocome to Mauritius

In Mauritius there is no good or bad period to go there, thanks to its natural position a summer climate is present all the year.
The perceives temperature changes compared to the humidity rate which can reach 98% in December.

Necessary documents

– Valid passport with the expiry date after your departure

– No need of VISA


No vaccine or prophylaxis is needed or recommended to travel to Mauritius.

how to join us

International airport of Mauritius de Maurice :

  • Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam


From airport you can:

  • take a private taxi
  • book the Abiki Mauritius shuttle (50Euro)

Medical assistance

In Mauritius there are various public and private structures of a good level.


Avenue des Espadons , Albion

Stephan +230 58264914  FR/EN
Sara +230 58264921  FR/IT